Our Blog
Quality Lighting Enhances And Adds Value To Homes
In the past five years, LED lighting and Smart control have suddenly been at the forefront of electrical innovation. Such lighting doesn’t just offer comfort, control, and security. It also increases the value of your home.
They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. It could very well be that it’s also paved with foreign solar panels, which were hit with a tariff which was supposed to increase demand for U.S. solar panel production.
Best New Electrical Outlets For Your Home
Electrical wall outlets are finally catching up with technology. While the old electrical outlets delivered power, the new electrical outlets give the homeowner a choice of convenience, safety features, and other options.
Keep Your Dryer Problem Free
The modern clothes dryer has eliminated the chore of hanging up clothes in the harsh blazing sun.
Home Maintenance Will Lower Your Electric Bill
In previous blogs, we talked about methods of lowering our electrical consumption through technology, appliances, and performance tools.
Reasons You May Want A Smart Home
As electricians in the Metro Phoenix area, we’re in the thick of some exciting times.
The Five Biggest Electrical Dangers In Your Home
Electricity has changed the way people live in this world. However, with the benefits of power come with inherent dangers. Once voltage gets out of control, this can prove to be dangerous to both property and lives.
Surge Protection And Electrical Safety
If you own a computer or other electronic equipment, you probably own a surge protector.
How To Clean Your Dishwasher
A dishwasher has several critical functions in the kitchen. It would be an injustice to say it merely cleans the dishes. Because a dishwasher is one of the primary electrical and plumbing tools of the household, we’re going to review how to clean it and keep it functioning properly.
Keeping Your Family Safe From Electrical Dangers
Last year, approximately 30,000 people suffered from non-fatal electrical shocks in this country.
Summer Landscape Lighting
Landscape lighting installation is a valuable tool for every homeowner. Not only does outdoor lighting showcase some of your home's most attractive features, but it provides essential illumination for late-night guests as well.
Reasons To Hire A Licensed Electrician
Sometimes, electrical systems can be unpredictable and unpleasant: the lights will flicker, a circuit breaker can trip repeatedly, or the homeowner will discover they’re just a few outlets short of comfortable.
Signs It's Time For A New Dryer
Gone are the days of fresh, clean laundry fluttering gently in the breeze, the power of wind harnessed, free for all! We are busy, modern people, and the idea of dragging wet, heavy clothes out-of-doors and displaying our pajamas and underwear for the neighbors to admire and the bees to take respite in doesn’t seem to be on our list of to-dos anymore.
Beyond The Ventilation Fan: Bathroom Electrical Upgrades
There are many electrical upgrades you can make that will make your bathroom into a place of comfort and luxury. Below, we describe some of these options:
Ten Ways To Reduce Your Electric Bill
Face it, everyone wants a lower electric bill. In light of that, we’re offering some energy-saving tips for your consideration:
Electrical Trends
If you're looking for electrical upgrades above and beyond an extra outlet, a circuit breaker expansion or adding a light fixture, consider some of these new trends in home comfort the industry is offering the sophisticated homeowner.
2018 Is The Year Of The Deck Lighting
Here in the Phoenix Valley area, we are a bit of an oddity: while our eastern counterparts are huddled around their fires inside, we’re just as likely to be enjoying a party around the hot tub or the barbecue.
How To Prevent Electrical Fires
Almost 30,000 electrical fires occur in homes every year. Nearly all of these could have been prevented by early detection and care of electrical equipment and wiring.
Holiday Lighting Safety
When we think of holiday lighting, we think of the bright glow of the Christmas tree, with its sparkling lights, glittering ornaments, and shiny tinsel.
The Aluminum Wiring Dilemma
One of the things you may encounter concerning the electrical work in your home is aluminum wiring.