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Reviewing Electrical Usage Of Equipment In Your Office
A typical office building spends one-third to one-half of their electrical budget on lighting. Lighting can be automated, either on a time delay system or occupancy-based sensors. But, that still leaves a huge number of electrical appliances which may or may not be in use.
Electrical Safety And Trees
When monsoon season hits, we all feel a little like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz during the tornado. After the inevitable rain, we may step out our front door, only to be confronted with an electrical disaster.
Spring Season Electrical Tasks
One would think that with the cold weather behind us, most of the electrical hazards we face would be put away in the closet with the space heater. But, other electrical appliances still need our attention. Electricians see a lot of the effects from lack of maintenance.
Bright Electrical Ideas For Spring
Now that Spring is here, we’re all breathing a sigh of relief that winter is over and we can get back to our long days, shorts and flip flops, and swimming pool fun.
Energy Efficiency – Change Through Technology
Are you still using incandescent bulbs to light your home?
Do you have old, outdated appliances?
Do you leave your lights and appliances on when they are not being used?
Reasons To Hire An Electrician
“Reno,” people say, “I’m a pretty smart guy. I do well on those internet tests. Why can’t I just do some of my own electrical work? Why do I need an electrician?” This is a good and valid question. Everyone wants to feel like their money is well-spent, and our customers are certainly no exception.
World Earth Hour 2017 Is Coming!
On March 25th, 2017, our little planet will celebrate World Earth Hour. Started in Sydney, Australia in 2007 by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) it is a movement started to show commitment to the planet. Individuals, communities, households and businesses around the world are encouraged to be ‘lights off’ between the hour of 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm.
Some Great Places To Use Led Lighting
As our dependence on electrical devices continues to grow, consumers have become more wary of leaving a carbon footprint for future generations. As a result, we search for greener options. One of those options is surely LED lighting.
Using Nest To Reduce Your Heating And Cooling Costs
Using Nest To Reduce Your Heating and Cooling Costs. The Nest Learning Thermostat is an attractive and user friendly way to reduce the energy costs in your house. You can find them here
Some Ways To Cut Your Electric Bill
Here in the Valley, the cooler months offer us a respite from the blistering high bills of summer. Many residents prefer to sign up for bill averaging programs, only to have the last bill in the series prove to be a staggering sum.
What Is A GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) And How Does It Work?
In areas where water can be present, including kitchen, bathrooms, outdoors, and garage, there is an electrical outlet with extra layer of protection installed known as GFCI or Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter.
How To Find A Great Electrician
Electricity is one of those things that most people generally take for granted. As long as the power flows freely when we plug in an appliance, and doesn’t spark or flicker, we’re inclined to not think about it.
The U.S. Energy Grid
A prolonged and catastrophic failure of the U.S electrical grid may seem like nothing but an apocalyptic science fiction for some but the truth is, this chances of breakdown are more likely than ever before.
Surge Protection And How It Works
If you own a computer or other electronic equipment, you probably own a surge protector. Most surge protector designs serve an immediately obvious function, which is basically allowing you to plug various components into a single power outlet. But, there is much more to it than that.
Give Your Space Heater Some Space
Chооѕing a portable space heater iѕ a multi-step process. They соmе in all shapes and ѕizеѕ, operate differently, аnd cover a range of prices.
Small Bathroom Lighting
We are drawn to them, these glittering bits of glass, to appraise, stare, mock, and scrutinize. What are they? Our bathroom mirrors!
Product Review: Star Shower Laser Light--a Last-minute Holiday Light Decorating Idea
Today we are going to look at last minute holiday decorations. Toward the end of November, many people find themselves particularly busy with work or other commitments, or just can’t seem to get in the holiday spirit.
Local Holiday Light Displays, Exhibits, And Events In The Phoenix Valley Area
We don’t have a white Christmas here in the Phoenix area. We don’t own snowshoes or skis or even snow suits.
Preparing For Thanksgiving Electrical Usage
While the rest of the country slowly devours the last of the Halloween candy and tries to plan the Thanksgiving guest list, the electricians’ phones have started ringing. Our customers, looking ahead at to the Thanksgiving glut of power usage, are calling to have their repairs and upgrades done now so they can maintain their electrical integrity during the holidays.
The Changing Electrical Scene
In an old movie, starring Bill Murray, numerous scenes begin with an alarm clock going off, which makes the character open his eyes to start a new day. We will look more closely at that in just a moment.