Surprisingly Simple Lighting Upgrades
There are plenty of ways to increase the value of your home without undertaking a massive remodeling project. Simple lighting upgrades are a surprisingly easy way of enhancing your home and everything in it.
Here, we provide a few great lighting ideas if you're looking for viable upgrading options.
Going for natural lighting
You'd be surprised at how much natural light can improve the appearance of your home. Not only is this cost- and energy-efficient, the adjustments necessary for this upgrade usually only involve moving furniture around or clearing the windows. Natural lighting also improves the ambiance of your home, giving it a very positive feel.
Switching to energy-efficient bulbs
With the advancements in lighting technology, energy-efficient light bulbs have become the norm rather than the exception. Low voltage LED's and CFL's are not only inexpensive; most of the time, they're brighter than the non-green lighting options. A lot of green lighting options also last longer, providing cost-efficiency as well.
Getting dimmer switches and sensors
Turning off the lights in unoccupied rooms is a great way to save energy, but this simple task can often slip your mind. Occupancy sensors are a great way to avoid this, ensuring that lights are only available whenever you need them.
Dimmer switches, on the other hand, let you adjust the amount of lighting at any given time. Not only do you control the ambiance of the room, but you can also change the amount of energy your lights consume.
Installing task lighting
Task lighting is the technique of focusing lights on certain parts of the room you regularly use. With task lighting, you can turn off lights in the other parts of the room but still have enough illumination to accomplish your tasks. This technique reduces energy consumption and is an overall great idea, whether you were thinking of upgrading your lighting or not.
Layered lighting setups
A combination of overhead lights, task lighting, and accent lighting makes it easy for you to change a room's ambiance with the flick of a switch. Plus, it also lets you turn off any unnecessary lights when you don't need them, and go all out when you do.
Looking into exterior lighting
Interior lights are not the only lighting fixtures that need attention. Exterior lighting is also a great way to give accents to your home, especially when entertaining guests at night.
Surprising improvements
Improving the looks of your home need not be a project involving tearing down walls or renovating rooms. You will be surprised at how much difference simple lighting upgrades can make when it comes to changing the aesthetics of your home.
RSB Electrical offers electrical appliance wiring, porch light installation, chandelier installation, and smoke detector installation services in Mesa, AZ. We also specialize in outdoor lighting installation, electrical retrofitting, and new home wiring. Call 480-485-4284 for more information.