Appliance Electrical Safety Tips

Careful use of appliances is essential for several reasons.

Careful use of appliances is essential for several reasons. Besides lowering energy costs, it also helps ensure safety. However, some homeowners don’t take the proper precautions when operating appliances.

Here are some tips for the safe usage of various appliances:

Read the instruction manual

The washing machine and the fridge seem like simple appliances. People often think they can use them correctly without reading the instruction manual, but this is a significant mistake.

Reading the manual tells the user whether they can use the appliance outdoors and if it has any advanced features. Furthermore, they can learn if their home’s wiring has enough capacity to run the device safely.

Gaining a better understanding of the fridge, microwave, and other devices is crucial in preventing an overloaded electrical system and lowering the risk of fires.

Extension cords aren’t a permanent solution

Extension cords are convenient, but they can also be risky. For instance, loose connections or fluctuations can harm devices and lead to safety hazards. Lower-quality models are also susceptible to water intrusion, which increases the chances of electrocution.

Therefore, only use extension cords temporarily. When buying one, look for units with a suitable gauge for the connected appliance. For example, simple cords for lamps might have 16-gauge wires, whereas units for air conditioners commonly feature 12-gauge wires.

Don’t forget to consider the length too. Extra-long cords tend to lose more power between the socket to the appliance. Hence, stick to shorter cables whenever possible.

Disconnect devices occasionally

An appliance can’t cause a fire or other problems if disconnected. Therefore, unplug them whenever they’re not in use.

Although keeping small gadgets connected isn’t extremely dangerous, it still causes excessive energy consumption. By cutting off the electricity supply, homeowners prevent the devices from drawing unnecessary energy to power clocks, digital displays, and other advanced features.

Some of the appliances people should unplug when not in use include routers, phone chargers, game consoles, printers, modems, monitors, and TVs. It’s a great way to limit energy consumption.

Keep electronics away from moisture

One can safely use grills and some other appliances outdoors. They usually feature waterproof cords that are resistant to the elements.

However, homeowners need to ensure the outlets and cords are dry for indoor appliances like fridges, power tools, and ice makers.

Hire professionals for inspection

No matter how experienced a homeowner might be with certain appliances, they may need the proper equipment and knowledge to inspect the units. The risks of inadequate maintenance are too significant, so don’t take a chance.

Reach out to licensed electricians for regular appliance upkeep. They follow the highest industry standards and have advanced tools to appropriately examine the stove, fridge, and other devices.

If you need a fast, affordable electrician for your home or business, call RSB Electrical at 480-485-4284.


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